Presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness, is likely to occur in most individuals over the course of their lifetime

There are 800 million individuals worldwide suffering from uncorrected presbyopia. 300 million of them live in India. 

$25 bn

Global productivity loss from uncorrected presbyopia

$14 bn

Productivity loss in India from uncorrected presbyopia


Income boost from a pair of reading


Productivity gain from a pair of reading glasses


– PROSPER report
– The Global Burden of Potential Productivity Loss from Uncorrected Presbyopia by Frick et al

$25 bn
Global productivity loss from uncorrected presbyopia

$14 bn
Productivity loss in India from uncorrected presbyopia

Income boost from a pair of reading glasses

Productivity gain from a pair of reading glasses

No savings (80% of income gets spent on food)

Socially and geographically excluded

Little to no access to social entitlements

Vision correction is not universally accessible and affordable

There are complex challenges which need to be solved

To meet the unmet need for reading glasses at scale within a reasonable timeframe, efforts must focus on large-scale distribution, securing funding for expansion, and fostering market demand for sustainable solutions for subsequent pairs of eyeglasses.

A three-pronged strategy is needed to solve the problem

Support to government

Scalable distribution

Catalytic philanthropy

India’s unique enabling conditions make this solution scalable

  • Significant government spending on social schemes 
  • Several cadres with extensive on-the-ground reach and trust
  • Eyeglasses are legally de-medicalised and can be availed without a prescription

Government of India has prioritised the most excluded

We are working with central ministries and state government to help these marginalised communities through the Economic Inclusion Program.

Our partners


Jayanth Bhuvaraghan 

Board Member

Hear from our partners

Devang Bhandari

Global COO, ESG Advisory (Impact), KPMG

Our partnership with The/Nudge Institute is rooted in scaling evidence-based models of poverty alleviation, such as “graduation approach”, to enable 23 million households to come out of extreme exclusion in India. The/Nudge has been on this journey for over three years now and we can already see tremendous progress with the first cohort of 400 families. The resilience of the women participants is nothing short of an inspiration! I have no doubt that the tenacity of The/Nudge team is going to win!

Shri Bishnu C. Parida

Chief Operating Officer, Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS), Government of Jharkhand

Quality institutional collaboration at all levels is important to reach sustainable development. Our partnership with The/Nudge Institute is crucial to develop a roadmap for overall development of the most excluded in rural Jharkhand. This partnership is based on mutual-trust, expertise and technical strength. Delivery-oriented sector specific professionals and in-depth understanding of technological solutions makes The/Nudge Institute a sought-after partner.

In the news

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In the news

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Fund someone’s reading glassesRead More
Hindustan Times Logo
How India can transform reading glasses into economic opportunitiesRead More
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Access to reading glasses can boost India’s GDP by $16 billionRead More
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Clear vision can transform lives and livelihoodsRead More

Read the reading glasses and livelihood report

Read the reading glasses and livelihood report

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